Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Resilience
We recently asked leaders how they keep their resilience in challenging times. Their reflections led to the Insight booklet, The Resilient Leader click here. We’ve been exploring the six sections of the booklet in our previous four articles this month, and now summarise the key questions for each of us to ask ourselves.

The exercise will be much more powerful if you can write your thoughts down, or talk them through with a coach or someone else whom you trust to listen. The deeper you go, the more you will discover about how to look after yourself and others, and when to accept that you need help.
1. Spot the warning signs when your resilience is at risk
What warning signs are your body or your emotions giving you?
What are you noticing about your patterns and behaviours?
2. Identify the triggers
What triggers might disrupt your equilibrium?
How best do you handle these triggers in the moment?
3. Know yourself and your anchors
What anchors you and motivates you?
What are recent helpful insights about yourself?
4. Cultivate a positive mindset
What mindset do you bring to the future?
How best do you cultivate grounded optimism?
5. Experiment with resilience strategies
What practical strategies are worth exploring?
What choices might you make about your attitudes and actions?
6. Reflect on your accountabilities to others
How might you enable others to build and guard their resilience?
How best might you build team resilience?
On the last point, you might like to look at an earlier Insight booklet, The Resilient Team click here